Cardiology is a medical field that deals with treating and diagnosing heart problems, including heart attacks, angina, and other conditions that affect the cardiovascular system. The majority of cardiologists, like Dr. John Strobeck of New Jersey, work in private practice or for an organization such as a hospital or clinic. Read on to learn what makes cardiology stand out from other medical fields.
Cardiologists Treat Both Acute Problems And Chronic Heart Ailments
First of all, cardiologists like Dr. Strobeck treat both acute problems and chronic heart ailments within their medical field. Acute problems of the heart are sudden and unexpected, while chronic cardiac ailments can be managed over time with certain medication or lifestyle changes.
One Common Treatment For Heart Problems Is Bypass Surgery
One common treatment given to patients for heart problems is bypass surgery. This medical procedure is used to reroute blood flow around clogged arteries, which can lead to heart attacks and strokes.
In a heart bypass surgery, the surgeon makes an incision in the chest and attaches one end of a vein or artery from your body to the coronary artery that’s been blocked by plaque buildup (atherosclerosis). Then they remove part of your diseased coronary artery.
Heart Diseases Can Also Be Treated By Inserting Stents
Stents are small metal tubes that expand inside blood vessels, keeping them open for some time. They can be placed in the heart or other organs. Stents are used to treat heart disease by expanding the coronary arteries and improving blood flow through them. Stents may also be used after surgery on an artery in your leg or arm if you have atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).
Cardiology Is A Specialty That Requires More Time And Energy Than Other Fields
In conclusion, cardiology is a medical specialty that requires more time and energy than other fields. You must find a heart doctor like Dr. John Strobeck who has the patience to work with you and answer all of your medical questions because if something goes wrong with your heart, there’s no going back.